Dear Reader,

Not all who read my books will regard the God Gametes treatise as credible or share my belief in a creator-being. And I realise many are justifiably suspicious of people who express unconventional views on what might be our meaning and purpose in life.
I would therefore like to clarify some important issues…

First is that my books do not attempt to promote a religious faith nor seek to recruit people to any community of believers. I do not claim to have had a revelation from God, to be his messenger, to be called to do his work, to lead his people or to be motivated by any such aspirations.

September 1993 found me holidaying in the Philippines. It was not my first visit there, for I was married to a Filipina and we had friends and family in Manila. I was, on that occasion, particularly struck by the poverty, the uncontrolled population growth and couldn’t help feeling critical of the people’s spiritual focus. It seemed to belie a rational approach to life.

When my maybe too outspoken remarks hurt a friend, I began thinking about what motivated people’s belief in a God. It now seems this awkward moment sparked an idea that would influence the rest of my life. It was the notion that our human consciousness might be a reproductive cell we receive via signal from an external parent species.

My challenge was to work the concept into a model that made it sense; that tangible life is the reproductive system of a female parent species, and human consciousness the male reproductive cell she hosts. Then came the task of finding evidence to substantiate such a theory, a monumental hurdle, for I had never studied or even taken an interest in science.

I now call myself an amateur scientist and ask readers to note that supporting evidence for the concept has involved research into several diverse topics including evolutionary biology, quantum physics, theology, ancient human civilisations and human migration.

In 2001/2 I took a fifteen months unpaid sabbatical in Chiang Mai, Thailand where I wrote my first book - with work and family commitments demanding most of my time in the years that have proceeded. The God Gametes books should therefore be considered as merely an introduction to the concept - my effort to provide supporting evidence as a ‘work in progress’.

Readers will note that the main body of my work is not written in the first person and that is because I am reluctant to take sole ownership of the God Gametes theory. I believe the concept is perceptive of life and its meaning, yet these insights have resulted more from the life I have led, the people I have met, the places I have lived, a preparedness to work hard and an indifferent attitude to those who would deem me mad - not from my own somewhat erratic analytical ability.

I am also hesitant to claim sole authorship of the seven books and more than 400,000 words now in print under my name. Propriety demands I acknowledge that my friend and mentor Kev Richardson, has for many years, doggedly pulled, pushed and goaded my dyslectic scrawl into readable English.

The enquiring mind will always be drawn to the big questions:

  • Who is the creator?
  • How does life and the universe work?
  • What is it doing?

When I now contemplate these questions I get much the same answers whether approaching them from a scientific or theological perspective. I firmly believe the groundwork for a rational and scientific approach to a creator-being, has been presented here. The God Gametes theory provides an understanding of our meaning and purpose in life, and fosters the development of a strong sense of humanity.

It encourages us to search our soul in deciding what is right and wrong and to build sound relationships with the people we love. Hopefully, by doing what we believe in our heart is right, our human souls will live on as part of the creator-beings’ life entity, after our earthly body dies.

-Robert Jameson